
Kristen Hicks is an Austin-base learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn new things. She uses that curiosity, combined with her experience as a freelance business owner, to write about subjects valuable to small business owners on the HostGator blog.


Kristen Hicks is an Austin-base learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn new things. She uses that curiosity, combined with her experience as a freelance business owner, to write about subjects valuable to small business owners on the HostGator blog.


Kristen Hicks is an Austin-base learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn new things. She uses that curiosity, combined with her experience as a freelance business owner, to write about subjects valuable to small business owners on the HostGator blog.


Kristen Hicks is an Austin-base learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn new things. She uses that curiosity, combined with her experience as a freelance business owner.
Контакти: : +380 44 999 88 77 | : +380 99 777 66 55 | :


Kristen Hicks is an Austin-base learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn new things. She uses that curiosity, combined with her experience as a freelance business owner.
Контакти: : +380 44 999 88 77 | : +380 99 777 66 55 | :


Доцент кафедри оптики, кандидат фізико-математичних наук
Наукова діяльність: Хаотичні лазери, лазерна техніка, нелінійна оптика
Контакти: : +380 44 5213337 | : +38-050-902-25-51 | :